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Roofing Material Showdown: Comparing Asphalt Shingles, Metal, and Wood for Your Home

Selecting the right roofing material for your home is a crucial decision with long-lasting implications, both for your property’s curb appeal and protection against the elements. To make an informed choice, it’s essential to understand the advantages and drawbacks of different materials, including asphalt shingles, metal, and wood roofing. As the leading roofing contractor in Blaine, MN, Roofs R Us Minnesota is dedicated to providing homeowners with the knowledge and resources needed to make the best decision for their unique roofing needs.

Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in our status as an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor, and our expert services include a range of roofing solutions encompassing residential and commercial asphalt roofing, storm damage restoration, soffit and fascia repair, and seamless gutter installations. Whether you’re looking to replace your existing roof or build a new home, our knowledgeable team can guide you through the process, ensuring a tailored and reliable roofing solution that meets your specific requirements.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the characteristics, benefits, and limitations of three popular roofing materials—asphalt shingles, metal, and wood—enabling you to make the most suitable choice for your home. As you weigh in the factors such as longevity, aesthetics, cost, and installation complexities, our objective is to empower you with valuable insight to navigate the world of roofing materials with confidence.

Join us as we compare the three contenders in the roofing material showdown, uncovering their unique strengths and weaknesses, and helping you determine the perfect match for your home. With the right roofing material in place, your investment will not only stand the test of time but also enhance your property’s overall value and appeal.

1. Asphalt Shingles: Affordable and Versatile

Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material among homeowners due to their affordability, aesthetic appeal, and ease of installation. Available in a wide variety of colors and styles, asphalt shingles can complement any architectural design.

Pros of Asphalt Shingles:

– Cost-effective: Asphalt shingles offer a budget-friendly roofing solution that delivers a balance between price and performance.

– Ease of installation: Asphalt shingles can be installed relatively quickly and simply, reducing labor costs and minimizing project duration.

– Variety: With numerous color options and styles available, you can choose an aesthetic that perfectly suits your home’s exterior.

– Durability: High-quality asphalt shingles from reputable manufacturers like Owens Corning provide reliable protection against wind, rain, and snow.

Cons of Asphalt Shingles:

– Lifespan: Although asphalt shingles have a respectable lifespan of around 20 to 30 years, they may not last as long as some alternative roofing materials.

– Heat resistance: In extremely hot climates, asphalt shingles may be susceptible to warping or melting, potentially shortening their lifespan.

2. Metal Roofing: Durable and Energy-efficient

Metal roofing is a popular choice for its durability, energy efficiency, and sleek appearance. Available in a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and zinc, metal roofs offer unique benefits and attractive designs.

Pros of Metal Roofing:

– Longevity: Metal roofs have a longer lifespan than other roofing materials, often lasting 40-70 years with proper maintenance.

– Energy efficiency: Metal roofs reflect solar heat, reducing cooling costs and potentially lowering your energy bills.

– Low maintenance: Metal roofing requires minimal upkeep and is resistant to rotting, warping, and insect damage.

– Lightweight: Metal roofs weigh less than many other roofing materials, putting less stress on your home’s structure and potentially extending the life of the building.

Cons of Metal Roofing:

– Cost: Metal roofing is generally more expensive than asphalt shingles, both in terms of material costs and installation.

– Noise: During heavy rain or hailstorms, metal roofs can be louder than other roofing materials, which might be a drawback for some homeowners.

3. Wood Roofing: Classic and Sustainable

Wood roofing, typically in the form of cedar shakes or shingles, offers a classic, rustic appearance that many homeowners find appealing. In addition to their visual appeal, wood roofs are environmentally friendly and provide excellent insulation.

Pros of Wood Roofing:

– Aesthetics: Wood roofs offer a unique, natural look that can enhance the appearance of your home’s exterior.

– Insulation: Wood roofs provide excellent insulation, helping to reduce energy costs by keeping your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

– Eco-friendly: Wood is a renewable and biodegradable resource, making it an environmentally friendly choice for roofing materials.

Cons of Wood Roofing:

– Maintenance: Wood roofing materials usually require more frequent maintenance, including periodic treatments to prevent rot, insects, and moss growth.

– Cost: Wood roofs tend to be more expensive than asphalt shingles and can have higher installation costs, primarily due to the material’s weight and complex installation requirements.

– Fire risk: Untreated wood shingles may pose a higher risk of fire, although many manufacturers now offer fire-resistant wood roofing products.

Choosing the Right Material for Your Home

When selecting a roofing material for your home, consider these factors:

– Budget: Assess your budget and weigh the cost of each material against its benefits and lifespan.

– Climate: Consider your local climate and choose a roofing material that performs well under those conditions, protecting your home from extreme weather events and temperature fluctuations.

– Aesthetics: Select a material that complements your home’s architectural style and matches your personal design preferences.

– Maintenance: Determine the level of maintenance you’re willing to perform, and choose a material that aligns with your expectations and resources.


The ideal roofing material for your home depends on your specific needs, budget, and design preferences. Asphalt shingles offer versatility and cost-effectiveness, while metal roofing provides long-lasting durability and energy efficiency. Wood roofing delivers classic aesthetics and sustainability, paired with excellent insulation properties. By considering each material’s unique benefits and drawbacks, you can confidently make an informed decision that best suits your home and your requirements.

If you’re ready to explore your asphalt roofing solutions and find the perfect material for your property, contact Roofs R Us Minnesota today. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service, quality workmanship, and expert guidance, ensuring a tailored, reliable roofing solution for your home. Trust our commitment to excellence and let us help you protect your investment for years to come.

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